Prisma Randomization Extension

Add some randomness to your favorite Prisma queries

I’m a big fan of Prisma, a fully typesafe wrapper around MySQL (and others) that makes it incredibly easy to avoid common bugs when dealing with databases on your backend.

One of the features I wanted for the longest time was a way of retrieving random rows from the database. In SQL you would do it like this:

SELECT column FROM table

But before now, this wasn’t possible with Prisma. That’s why I made prisma-extension-random, which is a Prisma Client Extension that adds a couple key methods to your tables which allow simple random querying.


  • Random Row Retrieval: easily retrieve a random row from your database table using table.findRandom().
  • Random Row Subset retrieval: use table.findManyRandom() to query for a customized random row subset of an arbitrary findMany() query.


// Find a random post from an author whose firstname starts with "B"
const post = await{
  select: { id: true, title: true },
  where: { author: { firstName: { startsWith: 'B' } } },
// Find 5 random movies with a rating greater than 0.8
const movies = await, {
  select: { id: true, title: true },
  where: { rating: { gte: 0.8 } },

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Check it out on GitHub!